Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bath Time Fun

Bath Time Fun!!
Dyson and Kendrie love to be in the bath tub together. When one gets in the other wants to be in there.

Kendrie was splashing so much. We finally got her to stop long enough to get her picture.

Dyson and Kendrie are having a blast with each other.

Kendrie will now no longer lay down in the tub. She has to sit and play. When I try to lay her down she screams and tries to roll over. Makes it hard for mom to try and get her cleaned.

The Judd Kids

I just think that my kids are the cutest. Here are a couple of pictures of them playing the other day.
Kendrie has the cutest smile.

Dyson always makes her laugh when he is in the room.

Dyson cheeses it with a big peice of roll in his mouth.

Dyson is sick of pictures. Kendrie could go on for days.

Dyson hugs her big and makes her laugh, but almost cry. They love each other so much!

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween!!! We had a very crazy Halloween! We did so many activities this year. We had a lot of fun, but I am so glad that Halloween is OVER!! We went to our church trunk or treat where there were a ton of games for all the kids to play, cookie decorating, cake walk and trunk or treat. Kendrie was a Bronco Cheerleader for this party. Dyson didn't care about anything, except to play the basketball and golf games that they had.
"Lets go Broncos!"

"What did you say?"

The next tuesday, we went to the Oklahoma City Zoo and went trick or treating there. Kendrie was in her Ladybug costume and Dyson was in his Buzz Lightyear costume. We had a great time.

Dyson just woke up right as we got there and Dustin was post call. We had two tired boys.

"Come on Kendrie, lets go and see what they have for us!"

Kendrie poses by the pumpkins.

Dyson stops and eats a sucker on the way down the trails.

On the way out of the zoo, we took some pictures of the kidos in their costume with their daddy by all the pumpkins.

On Halloween night, we had some friends come over and have some chilli, rolls wassel and salad. We later went trick or treating around our neighborhood.

Here is Dyson as Buzzlightyear and his new buddy Ben as a frog.

Kendrie as a precious love bug ladybug.

Don't you want to gobble her up?

As we were trick or treating. Dyson had to kick a soccer ball around the neigborhood.

At the end of the night, both kids crashed pretty early. I think that we talked about halloween so much during the day, that it exhausted them before we really got there. We ended prety early, but with all the activites that we went to, we have SOOOOOOOOO much candy. I don't know what I am going to do with it all.

Grandma Mac comes to visit

Grandma Mac came to visit us in Oklahoma. We had some much fun with her. Dyson and Kendrie are giving her good-bye hugs.


Dustin prepares the kids and himself for the Bronco Sunday Football game. We all have to be in Bronco clothing. If not, and the Bronco's loose, it is our fault because we didn't have the clothing on!!! Better be prepared for those games ALL the time!!! :)

Spring Training!!

As we have said before, Dyson LOVES to play baseball. He is so excited that he has a sister now, so he can play catch with her. He is already training, teaching and practicing with her so she is as good of a ball player as he is. He explains to her how she needs to hold the ball, mitt and bat.
"Are we ready to play?"
"Lets play some ball!!!"

Dyson thinks that his sister needs to wear his dodger hat as much as he does.

Dyson positions Kendrie with the hat on her head and places his mitt on her hand and right as I took the picture, Dyson threw the ball and it landed right into the mitt. Dyson was so "proud of my princess mom! She caught the ball!"

"Put me in coach, I'm ready to play"

"Tell me what and where, I am ready!"

Kendrie is not sure she is liking this anymore. "Am I okay mom?"

Everyday with Dyson

Everyday with Dyson is full of excitement!! He is always making one of us laugh. When it is quiet, I know that he is into something that he probably should not be into. But, he is really good at telling me when he did something that he should not have done, after the fact.
Dustin walked in the bathroom one saturday that he had off(comes once every month), and sees Dyson doing his own hair with his "blue gel". He told me that he wanted to do his hair.
"I need just a little bit more"

"Just a bit more"

"Let me show you". (his knew favorite line) This is how you do it.

"Ta Da!! Don't I look handsome?!"

"I just NEED to do it again!"
(Another famous line by DysonIzaac Judd)

Daddy got a Wii for his birthday and it is now one of Dysons favorite toys. He kicks butt in golf. He can par almost all of the holes. He kills me when we play.